Batman: Arkham Origin Season Pass [Online Game Code] Publisher: Warner Bros Platform: PC Type: Game ESRB Rating: T - Teen Genre: Action Adventure DRM: Steam System Requirements: Supported OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon X2, 2.8 GHz RAM: 2 GB Hard Disk: 20 GB Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS / AMD Radeon HD 3850 or better with 512 MB of VRAM Additional Requirements: DirectX:9.0c Additional Notes:Windows XP and DirectX 9.0b and below not supported Disclaimer: Steam account required for game activation and installation. BATMAN: ARKHAM ORIGINS software copyright 2013 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Developed by WB Games Montreal and Splash Damage